


Bible Study

Tuesday 7:00pm

Our Fall Tuesday night Bible
study meets weekly at 7:00 PM in Fellowship Hall.

Click the image for details
on this season's study, topics, and how to get involved!

Prayer Meeting

Wednesday 7:00pm

We meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm at the church for a brief mid-week devotional and time of prayer.

Midweek Studies

Thursday 7:00pm

Our midweek study continues in our Church Fellowship Hall!

Where: Grace Bible Fellowship 185 Ocean Ave., Middletown, NJ
When: 6:30pm Fellowship followed by Bible Study @ 7:00pm
Leader: Pastor Dave DeRonde
Studying:  - Book of Job

Please contact Dave DeRonde at 732-910-5611 for more information.

Men's Breakfast

Every Saturday 7:00-9:00am

Grace Bible Fellowship sponsors a Men’s Breakfast
every Saturday morning. All are welcome. 
Come 7:00-8:00am to eat and 8:00-9:00am to study. 
The purpose of this gathering is to feed men physically and spiritually.

Studying:  2nd Corinthians


Women's Breakfast

First Saturday of the Month 8:30-10:00am

Our ladies' monthly breakfasts on the first Satuday of every month. We invite all ladies to join us on the first Saturday of every month for this time of fellowship, prayer and a devotional message.

Join the women of Grace Bible Fellowship for a time of fellowship, food and opening the Word of God the 1st Saturday of every month 8:30-10:00am located in our church at
185 Ocean Ave, Middletown, NJ. 

Contact Trish DeRonde at for more information.