

Women's Bible Study
Women's Bible Study
Tuesday 7:00pm

Our Fall Tuesday night Bible study meets weekly at 7:00 PM in Fellowship Hall.

Click the image for details on this season's study, topics, and how to get involved!

Women's Breakfast
Women's Breakfast
First Saturday 8:30-10:00am

Our ladies' monthly breakfasts occur on the first Saturday of every month.

We invite all ladies to join us for this time of fellowship, prayer, and a devotional message.

Join the women of Grace Bible Fellowship for fellowship, food, and opening the Word of God from 8:30-10:00am at 185 Ocean Ave, Middletown, NJ.

Contact Trish DeRonde at for more info.

Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting
Wednesday 7:00pm

We meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm at the church for a brief mid-week devotional and time of prayer.

Midweek Studies
Midweek Studies
Thursday 7:00pm

Our midweek study continues in our Church Fellowship Hall!

Where: Grace Bible Fellowship, 185 Ocean Ave., Middletown, NJ

When: 6:30pm Fellowship, Bible Study at 7:00pm

Leader: Pastor Dave DeRonde

Studying: Book of Job

Contact Dave DeRonde at 732-910-5611 for more info.

Men's Breakfast
Men's Breakfast
Saturday 7:00-9:00am

Grace Bible Fellowship sponsors a Men’s Breakfast every Saturday morning.

All are welcome. Come 7:00-8:00am to eat and 8:00-9:00am to study.

The purpose is to feed men physically and spiritually.

Studying: 2nd Corinthians